The Burgh Meadows Development project aims to create a fusion of sports, community, and heritage, leading to an enduring legacy for Stirling. By embracing the past, present, and future of Borrowmeadow Farm, we aspire to deliver first class cultural events and to weave a narrative that beckons residents and visitors to explore, connect, and celebrate The Burgh Meadows—a community space that stands as a testament to the resilience and spirit of Stirling throughout the ages.

About Ceangail CIC
Ceangail CIC is a not for profit, asset locked social enterprise, registered with the CIC Regulator, and is governed by a Board of up to 5 Directors. We are on a mission to provide opportunities for young people, within the Tourism and Events sector, helping develop their employability skills through our Skills Connect Academy.
“Inspiring young people into tourism since 2014”
Ceangail engages with Stirling Council about its interest in acquiring the asset due to site drainage issues.
Ceangail secures grant funding for a 18 month feasability study on proposed development.
Ceangail’s Director finally meets with assets team at Stirling Council, who confirmed their interest in new development.
Ceangail, advised by Stirling Council in Sept 2023, to now submit a pre-planning application.
Ceangail submits pre-planning application to Stirling Council – June.
Stirling Council response to pre planning application on the whole positive – July
Ceangail again outlines to Stirling Council the opportunity of its COF funding application – Aug
Stirling Council invite Ceangail to meeting – Sept

The Issues
Ceangail CIC has been operating in Stirling since 2014. As a social enterprise, our aim is to become a sustainable not-for-profit through our own service delivery model but to do so, we need to rid ourselves of increasingly high costs such as site rent and event supply chain costs.
no investment
Stirling Council nor Active Stirling have the financial capacity to make good the area we hire for our events.
Event Infrastructure
Ceangail has to raise funds to pay the event supply chain around £30,000 per event.
event Site Hire
Active Stirling have increased their site hire fee by 550% jepordising the future of the event.
Our Solution
To become sustainable Ceangail needs to secure and develop its own asset, rather than paying out to other organisations.
We Have a Solution
The Burgh Meadows vision comes from Ceangail’s Founder, Matt McGrandles. By turning the clocks back on Borrowmeadow Farmstead and embracing Stirling’s past, The Burgh Meadows development could be Stirling’s newest attraction. A space that sustains the social enterprise through its own service delivery and community wealth building, providing a new active space for locals and a tourism offering for visitors. As the land has not been used since the 1990s and the buildings have been left to decay and now considered in a ruinous condition, if Ceangail can acquire this asset transfer from Stirling Council at less than best value due to our community aims, it is proposing the following 10-year phased development.

The Burgh Meadows Sports Ground
Due to the current state of the site where Stirling Highland Games is held, our main focus will be to regenerate this brown field area into a sports field. This will allow this key cultural Stirling event to continue as well as provide opportunities for further use to generate income for Ceangail.
The Burgh Meadows Pavilion / Community Hub
Phase 2 will look to create a new community pavilion that will provide Ceangail with an office, tourism incubator, training and media room, bistro, changing rooms and bunk house.

The Burgh Meadows Heritage Centre
Phase 3 will look to restore the runious farmshouse, showcasing the site heritage and incorporating a farm shop / micro brewery or distillery and a community space for hire.
Reasons to Support Us
Skills Connect
Ceangail’s Skills Connect Academy training programmes could reach 1380 young people per annum.
Funder Connect
Ceangail’s events could attract new investment of around £250,000 per annum.
Volunteer Connect
Ceangail’s project delivery could help the CPD of up to 150 volunteers per annum.
With The Burgh Meadows development, Ceangail’s employment of staff could increase to 17.
Ceangail’s event delivery could have an annual impact of £3m on Stirling businesses.
Cultural Event
The Burgh Meadows sports ground would save the Stirling Highland Games event.
Ceangail’s project will regenerate waste land, turning it into a thriving community space.
Ceangail would restore the ruinous farmhouse and bring it back to life.
Support The Vision
Add Your Support
Join the Support Group that includes these signatures below from some of the individuals we have been speaking with about the development since 2016:
- Elected Councillors
- Alan Simpson OBE, Lord-Lieutenant Stirling and Falkirk
- Alyn Smith, former MP for Stirling
- Lynsey Eckford, VisitScotland Regional Director
- Elizabeth Roads, Dean of The Guildry of Stirling
- Elaine Watterson, Provost of Stirling
- Murray Cook, Stirling’s Archaeologist
- Simone Lahbib, 2018 SHG Chieftain and TV / Film Actress
- Alison McGrandles, 2022 SHG Chieftain and former Womens International Rugby Player
- Lesley Paterson, 2017 SHG Chieftain and GB Triathlete Champion and Oscar Winner
- Colin O’Brien, 2005 SHG Chieftain and former Provost of Stirling
- Bruce Crawford, 2011 SHG Chieftain and Stirling MSP 2007 – 2021
- Michael Goodfellow, 2015 SHG Chieftain and Olympian GB Curler
- Ian Bowie, 2007 SHG Chieftain and local businessman
- Pauline Skea / Julie Pritchard, Specsavers Stirling and Supporter of SHG since 2014
- Carolyn Jones / Derek Jones, Anatomical Concepts and Supporter of SHG
- David Dent MBE, Professor (Hon) University of Stirling, Executive Director, Wounded Highlander (Para competitor and world record holder)
Founder's Vision
I've had this idea for almost a decade now and I think the development presents an amazing opportunity for Stirling. Ceangail could become an industry leader within the tourism sector, from helping young people develop their employability skills through our vocational training. For this idea to become a reality, we just need Stirling Council to share our passion and recognise this community wealth building project, allowing us to drive forward my vision to regenerate this brown field site, saving the Stirling Highland Games event and restore some of Stirling's lost heritage.
Matt McGrandles, Ceangail Founder